Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Its been a while..

I was looking back and noticed that it has been a while since I last updated our blog. This is partly because this has been my view for the last few weeks.
(I decided that the stock Internet picture was better than an ACTUAL picture of our toilet)

But its all worth it when this is the reason why!

Walker baby #3 is scheduled to make his/her arrival on June 12th.


Phillips Family said...

Congratulations! You are due the day before me and we go to the same doctor office! Crazy. Sorry to hear you have been sick. Hope you are feeling better.

Ruth said...

Congrats!!!! SO excited for you guys!!! Walker kids are the cutest!!

Carl and Amber said...

Wahoo! Hopefully I'll be joining you soon! I'm getting the IUD removed in a few days! But man...I am so not looking forward to my toilet companion!

Kimbo said...

Oh my goodness guys! Congrats. I'm so happy for yall. Wow that 3D pic is amazing! So realistic. I bet you're an amazing mom. I'd love to see you in action. Maybe we'll move closer to you guys at some point in our military career and I'll be able too. Hope you're feeling better :)

wyochatfields said...


The Ennists said...

Congratulations! I am very happy for you guys! And by the way, that is an AWESOME ultrasound picture! Hope you feel better very soon! & said...

yeah! Baby number exciting! Congrats!